Tag Archives: Marvin Minsky
Artificial Intelligence
After college I went to M.I.T. for my graduate work. I started at M.I.T. in 1959. I had to spend the first year and a half completing coursework for the Ph.D. qualifying exams and taking the exams. With that behind … Continue reading
Posted in Rudd's Blog, Uncategorized
Tagged Alan Turing, Artificial Intelligence, computing history, M.I.T., Marvin Minsky
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How I Learned to Love UNIX
Sometimes the confluence of several events, no one of which is significant, can lead to profound consequences. This happened to me in college and graduate school, where the combination of seven events led to my role in co-inventing UNIX. As … Continue reading
Posted in Rudd's Blog, Uncategorized
Tagged Bell Labs, computing history, CTSS, Marvin Minsky, UNIX, UNIX history
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